Andrea Monti and Adrian Durso are Argentine Tango maestros and dancers from Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are outstanding for their strong connection in the dance, their musicality, technique and great footwork, which have made them very popular in the close embrace salon tango style. Their instruction is clear, progressive and comprehensive. They are well respected in the USA, – especially in California, where they have worked with passion and devotion, and have contributed enormously with their great experience and knowledge to the growth and development of both the existing and new tango communities. .


Resuming on Monday February 10
8:00 – 9:15 pm Intermediate Tango Class
9:15 – 11:00 pm Practica

For students who have taken Argentine Tango classes regularly at least for 20 months. A reasonable technique level & understanding of tango, handling close/ open embrace, navigation and a good repertoire of steps is needed.


Students must register and make payment directly to the teachers a few minutes before the class. Payment directly to the teachers (cash preferred; check, Venmo or Zelle ok; no credit cards). REGISTRATION with a partner is recommended.

CLASS & PRACTICA (practica included for class students)

20 Class Pack $448.00 (20 % OFF)
15 Class Pack $357.00 (15% OFF)
10 Class Pack $252.00 (10% OFF)
5 Class Pack $133.00 (5% OFF)
Drop- in $28.00

PRACTICA ONLY: $12 per person

*Packs are per person and cannot be shared. Expiration policy:
20 Class Pack will expire 26 weeks from date of purchase.
15 Class Pack will expire 20 weeks from date of purchase.
10 Class Pack will expire 13 weeks from date of purchase.
5 Class Pack will expire 6 weeks from date of purchase.


Resuming on Saturday Feb 15 (10.30 to 11.45 am)

This course started 4 months ago, last September, so ONLY beginners who have done the first part of the course in 2024 and beginners with some experience can register/attend at this point. (New beginner course will start in May).

20 Class Pack $375 (25 % OFF)
15 Class Pack $320 (15% OFF)
10 Class Pack $225(10% OFF)
5 Class Pack $119 (5% OFF)
Drop- in $25*

Expiration policy: Packs are per person and cannot be shared.
20 Class Pack will expire 26 weeks from date of purchase.
15 Class Pack will expire 20 weeks from date of purchase.
10 Class Pack will expire 13 weeks from date of purchase.
5 Class Pack $119 will expire 6 weeks from date of purchase

Students must register and make payment directly with the teachers a few minutes before the class, (cash preferred; check, Venmo or Zelle ok; no credit cards).
*Packs are per person and cannot be shared. 

REGISTRATION with a partner is recommended.


 Resuming classes on Saturday Feb 15 (12.00 noon – 1.30pm + 15 min practice). 

This group is addressed to students who have taken at least 10 -12 months of regular beginner/fundamental Argentine tango classes. Basic understanding of technique, simple concepts and steps are required to take this course.


Students must register and make payment directly to the teachers a few minutes before the class (cash preferred; check, Venmo or Zelle ok; no credit cards).  REGISTRATION with a partner is recommended.


20 Class Pack $400 (20 % OFF)

15 Class Pack $320 (15 % OFF)

10 Class Pack $225 (10 % OFF)

5 Class Pack $119 (5 % OFF)

Drop- in $25.

*Packs are per person and cannot be shared. Expiration policy: 20 Class Pack will expire 26 weeks from date of purchase. 15 Class Pack will expire 20 weeks from date of purchase. 10 Class Pack will expire 13 weeks from date of purchase. 5 Class Pack will expire 6 weeks from date of purchase.

*Packs are per person and cannot be shared