Thursday night ballroom dance

Beginners Night

Our Beginners Night is a great way to start your Social Dancing! Come out and learn a new dance each week. Classes taught by Stacey Fong . After the class enjoy a social dance party, and dance with our pros!

7:30 pm Class
8:30 pm Dance party
Class & Party $16 drop in
Party Only $16

thursday nights with ivan

Join students and teachers gather for this fun night of dancing. We offer a pre-party group classes for the beginner and advanced dancer. Make sure to stay after and dance with some of our friendly teachers and students who are always willing to help you with your dancing. Our awesome DJ will spin up some great ballroom dance music. 

Thursday Intermediate/Avd Ballroom with Ivan Spasov
7:45 pm Dance for January & February: Quickstep
$16 drop in per person (includes party)

Dances rotate every two months between the following:
Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Quickstep.